Monday, October 18, 2010

Web page design

As I work on refining the look of my website -- still needs to be a bit more professional -- I have been looking around at other freelance editors, and I really like a lot of what I see.

My favorite webdesign so far is Peter Atwood (Ottawa) whose logo is a photo of a piece of movable type, an uppercase letter 'A'.

Very simple, very classy, professional look. Color and font scheme makes one think of large cherry wood desk, with leather desk accessories. Very impressive.

Favorite business name so far is "PenUltimate Editorial Services" a very serviceable pun. Her website is fairly standard design, especially for women authors & editors, featuring prominent photo of the editor, and slightly more emphasize on the personal and relationship side of editing. Tag line is, "the last word is yours".

Favorite slogan so far is "We love words even more than you do." from Be Creative Communications. Nice clean web design (I might steal two-tone button effect), simple typeface logo, but it's the slogan 'pinned' to the page by a pushpin that sells the page.

Runner up for best name is "Cranky Editor", whose logo is a crabby looking laptop correcting the logo by scratching out the 'e' in "Crankey Editor". Hilarious!

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